Aniseikonia Inspector
Color Vision Recorder
Product description
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Demo movie
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Price / Order
Vision Inspector Pro
Background info
Color vision defects
Color vision testing
Color Vision Recorder™
Much more than just testing !.
Important note:
We do not sell licenses of this software anymore. If you are interested in purchasing the source code (eur 60.000 exclusive / eur 15.000 non-exclusive), please contact us.
Product description
The Color Vision Recorder is a Windows software program for testing and automatic scoring the following color vision arrangement tests:
- NEW in version 4: Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue (FM-100)
- Farnsworth D-15
- Lanthony desaturated D-15
The software is aimed at the modern eye care provider.
Advantages compared to conventional hardware tests are:
- shorter testing and analysis time
- automatic results analysis and archiving
(incl. TES, Bowman, and Vingrys/King-Smith scores) - modern office appearance
- no fading of colors (easy color re-calibration)
- cost effective (no C-illuminant light source, finger cots, score sheets, etc.)
Hardware/software requirements can be found below.
For additional information about the product, click here.
We are using the Color Vision Recorder as an extra safety assessment
in an international randomized, controlled, clinical trial. The
software is very user-friendly and provides us with all the data we
need. Since we do no longer have to calculate the error scores manually, it
saves us a lot of time compared to the use of traditional D15 discs and
Joep Schoemaker,
Senior Clinical Research Scientist,
Organon Biosciences (Schering-Plough Corporation)
Hardware/software requirements
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